Saturday, December 11, 2010

Primordial Mounds

So apparently I can't upload any more pictures onto here, because I've used up my 1 gig of free space. That sucks. Whenever I upload pictures, they go into some stored folder on google, man I don't know. Fuck technology. If I delete pictures, they get deleted from the blog. I'll try to find a loophole. I guess no archival posts. Who cares. If you are looking back through old posts on this blog you really need to be doing something else with your time anyways. For now, here's one picture.

And here's a video.

Cabin Fever Rules.

1 comment:

  1. upload your pictures to photobucket and post them with an [img] code. if you need to resize them i'm sure you can edit it on photobucket's photo editor thingy.

