I gotta admit I've been pretty lazy with the blog lately. Apologies, there's several reasons for this. None of which I can identify besides laziness. But anyways, that's all going to change. I've been pondering thoroughly what I'm going to do with all of this unused, useless footage clogging my hard drive, and the conclusion I've come to is just release a crappy little mini-series over the winter in an attempt to keep your boredom at bay (More importantly,
Cheesebonk videos have been rampant and
awesome lately, Chase just made
this one). And I want to conduct an interview or two. At least one with Mike Miller. Because he's got awesome stories that I want to put on the internet. Plus I'm going to get rid of this "Urban Litterbox" title, it doesn't feel right. Crap was way more appropriate for what we're doing over here. Virtual Crapping. That's an even worser name than Urban Litterbox. Peep a new banner soon.
So enough business talk. We've got less than 3 weeks left in this semester, which is crazy, and then I'll be back in Wisconsin until the end of January (Besides coming to the Delta Christmas Party at Lomas's house and going to Florida to sleep on my cousin's couch for a couple days). Every time I go home I remember how much I love going home. Homies, Family, Cream City, PS2, Planet Earth on DVR, and really just not a lot of stress in general. And you fellow Crappers, consider my parents' basement your second home. This past weekend we spent a lot of time hanging out and being generally cool dudes. And I held a baby for the first time, something I am not qualified to do. Here's pictures that have nothing to do with holding a baby.
Makeshift ingredients for a spectacular night |
Additions were made to the roster |
Benefits to edible parephenalia pariphanalia pot smoking devices |
Jaw Wuidth, a necessary factor to consider for any successful athlete. |
Macro Hank |
Irony fricking Rules. |
By the way, Karl just developed a bunch of film from the past couple of months, and he's putting up a couple new ones a day. So be sure to
check that out. He's a secretive man, I doubt we'll be lucky enough to score an interview with him this year. It's alright, I'd rather make out with Mike anyways.